God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. What does that mean as I walk with my feet on my path?
It doesn’t mean I can see way far ahead. It doesn’t mean I know where the path will go or where it will end. It doesn’t mean I will see any twists or turns in the distance. It doesn’t mean my path is straight or free of turmoil.
It is unknown.
It is a walk of faith.
It is a walk relying only on Him.
It is lit by His power and strength.
It is going to have hardships.
It is for glory unto Him.
It is His path laid out before me.
I was literally walking along a path on our property as these thoughts emerged in my mind and heart. As I walked farther ahead, the path before me looked different. The path behind me also looked vastly different the longer I traversed.
I walk by faith and not by sight.
For today that particular path involves a teenage child addicted to various drugs and dangerous living. I don’t know what lay ahead. The only truths and absolutes I know are these:
God is faithful.
God is sovereign..
God is loving.
God is peace
God IS.